BASEL  29-September-2001

At the MCDonald's...

Photographs by Monika Wegener and Petra Turecek

(Click to enlarge)

                  Denis, Grieda, Petra, Christiane                           

                                                     A drink before the concert....(Photo M.W.)


                                         Claude, Monika , Denis

                                                                  Waiting for the Festa   (Photo P.T.)

"...Later we all walked together to the direction of the Stadtcasino, and we looked for a restaurant, to eat something before the concert started, but all we  could find was Mc Donalds, which was okay, because we didn't have so much

Patrice Gruben and Christiane Kern


    Norbert, Elisabeth and Patrice
                                                                (Photo M.W.)


                              Stephy                 Grieda and Petra

                                      Stephy (Photo P.T.)                                  Grieda and Petra

",,,Poi siamo andati vicino al Stadtcasino per cercare un ristorante per mangiare qualcosa. Ma era difficile perché siamo stati molte persone... allora ci siamo decisi di andare nel Mc Donald's che si trova tutto vicino. Poi arrivava anche Christine, moglie di Claude e i loro figli Elsa e Laurent, poi anche un amico di Laurent con sua madre..."

Monika Wegener                                                                                                                             


Basel | Ostello | Duo N&C | McDonalds | The stage | Concert! | Grazie! | Branduardi-ans


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