BASEL  29-September-2001

Into the Ostello...

Photographs by Christiane Kern, Monika Wegener, Petra Turecek

(Click to enlarge)

                         Petra , Christiane, Grieda                    

                                Petra, Christiane and Grieda   (Photo M.W.)


                                                Monika, Patrice, Norbert

                                Monika, Patrice and Norbert (Photo  P.T)      


   Elisabeth, Monika, Patrice, Claude, Stephy, Norbert

Elisabeth, Monika, Patrice, Claude, Stephy, Norbert (Photo C.K:)


                                             Denis, Petra, Grieda

                                                          Denis, Petra, Grieda   (Photo C.K)

   "...Verso le 3 o 4 di pomeriggio ci siamo incontrati al ostello della gioventù di Basilea. Dal primo momento c’era una atmosfera davvero famigliare. Patrice ha riservato la „sala di scuola“ e così siamo stati tutti insieme: Dall’Austria Grieda e Petra, dalla Francia Claude et Denis, dalla Germania Christiane e Elisabeth, dall’Italia Stefy, dall’Olanda Patrice, dalla Svizzera Norbert ed io. ..."

Monika Wegener

"...This day was for the Branduardi-an mailgroup a memorable day. It was the f irst time that such a large international delegation went to a concert together.
The festa started in the afternoon, when people from 6 countries (Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Holland) came together in the Youth  Hostel in Basel, which was our meeting point. It was a meeting of old and new friends.
Norbert (not a Branduardi-an, but also a very true fan) was playing Santa Claus, when he handed out posters, flyers and other souvenirs from previous concerts. Then out of his box came wine, crackers, bread, mineral water and  plastic cups and serviettes, so the party could begin. We all sat around a table  and talked and we got to know the other people..."

Patrice Gruben - Christiane Kern


                                                            (Photo M. W.)


                                                                                                         (photo M.W.)


            " Il Pane a forma di uva"   

                                               The "Grape" bread      ( Photo P. T.)


"...  Alcune di noi avevano molto fame, altri assolutamente no (come me)... Poi Norbert ha portato della sua macchina delle cose incredibili: Pane a forma di uva molto bello e buono, mozzarella, biscotti, acqua minerale, vino rosso, bicchieri di plastica, tovaglioli... e tutto era a posto..."



                                                       ( Photo C. K.)

                                                         Patrice and Norbert

                                                                    Patrice and Norbert  ( Photo P.T.)




   Patrice and Stephy

.                        Patrice and Stephy  ( Photo P. T.)

                                                      Patrice and Christiane

                                         Patrice and Christiane   (Photo P.T.)                                                                                                                                                                         


Basel | Ostello | Duo N&C | McDonalds | The stage | Concert! | Grazie! | Branduardi-ans


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