BASEL  29-September-2001

La festa!

Photographs by  Monika Wegener, Petra Turecek

(Click to enlarge)


Stephy, Patrice, Christiane

                               Stephy, Patrice ,Christiane(Photo P.T.)


               Our beautiful fans!

           In the first row! (Photo P.T.)

"...Dopo le 8 siamo entrati nella sala del concerto che non era tutto piena, ma non importava. La prima parte del concerto era come al solito. I musicisti in ottima forma, contenti e felici. Si sentiva già adesso che l'applauso della prima fila era speciale. Mi sembrava che Angelo avevo gli occhi aperti più spesso del solito, guardando la prima fila..."

Monika Wegener




   (Photos M.W.)

"...Then the concert: Angelo was wearing his long coat, and he looked relaxed and happy. His presentation was the longest I have ever heard, it was a compilation of all the things that he had said at all his different concerts, from
young people playing in the church, testosteron, sheep and wolves, vegetarian and Wiener Schnitzel etc. He made many jokes. He mentioned that it was the last concert in this series and then at last the concert could really begin.
He played all the Infinitamente Piccolo songs, but not Divina Commedia and as always the first part ended with the fireworks of La Predica della Perfetta Letizia..."

Patrice Gruben and Christiane Kern






"...Christiane had a surprise for the group: she had prepared buttons with the name and internet address and the image of the little Branduardi-doll she had  made some time ago... So we were all very proud to wear this button, and
all the other people looked at us as if we were some very important fans.!"

Patrice Gruben and Christiane Kern

"...La seconda parte cominciava con „Confessioni di un malandrino“ (acustico) poi „Alla Fiera dell'est“. Qui ci siamo alzati, battevamo le mani nel ritmo della musica e piano piano anche una parte del pubblico ci seguiva. Da questo momento il concerto era davvero speciale. Battevamo le mani sempre e durante „La pulce d’acqua“ saltavamo e danzavamo con i musicisti durante tutta la canzone e una parte del pubblico con noi. I musicisti ridevano mentre suonavano e si sono divertiti moltissimo. Anche noi. E così continuava.,,

E vero che i Branduardi-ans non sono hooligans. Ma portano anche il fuoco nella sala di concerto, anche se nel senso metaforico, no?..."

Monika Wegener


(Photo M.W.)


"...The second part started with Confessioni di un Malandrino, Angelo alone with his guitar. Then all the other well-known and favourite songs. Our group was very enthousiastic, we were in the first row, standing, dancing, clapping, singing, shouting, everything we could think of to make a good atmosphere, and soon the whole audience was following us. So we made a real festa.
At the end, before the 'encore'  Claude's son gave his button to Angelo and  when the musicians returned for the last songs, ANGELO WAS WEARING THE BUTTON ON HIS JACKET!!!!  We all felt very excited and proud about this, specially
of course the creator of it, Christiane. Angelo ended with the lovesong Tango, a perfect end to a perfect concert..."

Patrice Gruben and Christiane Kern



                                                                                        (Photos P.T.)




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