
The wine of Shiraz (Little "branduardian" story)

Translation by Gaia Cozzi 


As always, this morning I went out to take 3 of my 4 children to school: Claudia, Andrea and Simone. As we passed our flat's door, Rome welcomed us with the typical stinging cold of these days. So we hurried up towards the car. So many thoughts, this morning, but I remembered... in my pocket I had the tape on which yesterday evening I had recorded my new CD, the last one by Branduardi. At home I had no time to listen to it, but in the car, maybe... 
I took the car out from the garage and lifted the équipe. I started the car and after a while... Again! In the back seats, Andrea and Simone were already hitting one another (for silly reasons, as ever, of course), restlessly complaining about each other. One put his foot too further, the other didn't seat well and bothered the other... All these in addition to one's thoughts... And imagine this following a bad awakening... One would need such a patience! 
In the meanwhile, in the car there was more and more confusion... How could I calm them down? Without any other chance, I tried to put my cassette in the stereo, and after a few seconds Angelo's warm voice was already singing Laila, Laila from the loudspeakers.
And suddenly, the spell.
That is... Silence! Complete silence! All the children were enchanted, paying attention to the music. Even Simone, 4 years old, didn't miss a single note. I was astonished. I knew Angelo was loved also by children (I remember well about how Claudia, when she was the same age as Simone, used to listen enchanted to Si può fare ), but I certainly didn't expect such a sudden and strong effect.... 
Anyway: before I could take all the children to their schools, I had already listened to Laila, Laila at least 5 times. As soon as the song was over, they immediately wanted to listen to it again, and they bet me to rewind the tape right away. 
"But where is Shiraz?" Asked in the end my 4-years-old child, the last one to get off, "And why is it so important?" 
I didn't really know what to answer (after all, I had just bought the CD!), so I just invented something... "Important? Well... Of course! I guess it's important... because of its wine. Of course, they make a very good wine, there". He thought about it, then replied "Ah! Perhaps it is because there they make also wine for children ...?"  


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