Gent (B) – Capitole , Oct 2nd 2011

Around the city...

Photos by Dominique Louis, Liliane Rouze, Danielle Moens  -  Videos: Dominique Louis

Hello everyone,
A friendly meeting, a beautiful city, a great concert, a summer weather: what chance we had!
We arrived Claudette Marie-Claire, Evelyn, my husband and I in Ghent late, as we have seen Angelo before the concert. We met our group in a tea room, and then had the pleasure to get together all at the entrance of the Capitol (the opportunity to introduce ourselves to each other) and were warmly greeted by the Archbishop, M. Van Looy. Our tickets were given by Patrice




We were able to talk longer with Davide and Michele smiling and very available to us. Then we went to drink a Belgian beer in a cafe near the Capitole, head, heart and ears filled with the music of Angelo ..... Some had to leave to their obligations, while we had the pleasure of sharing the dinner with Patrick and Stephanie, a pleasant and friendly moment !
The next day was spent visiting this beautiful Flemish city.
I have attached some pictures to my comment: unfortunately those of the concert are all blurry, but I know others have done very nice.
Thank you very much, Michelangelo, for allowing us to live such a week-end,
friendly greetings to all







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