Mantova - Hotel Bianchi Stazione

Hallooween  "The nice witches of the East"

Photos by Gaia Cozzi, Monika Wegener, Michelangelo Gargiulo, Annette Senner, Patrice Gruben


Photo by Monika         Patrice & Asia - Photo by Michelangelo

     Photo by Michelangelo                    Gaia & Petra - Photo by Michelangelo

"...La situazione peraltro č degenerata nella notte del 29 ottobre, subito dopo il concerto, quando tre signore sono state avvistate in abiti inconfondibili di streghe e impegnate in pratiche occulte, infatti sono state viste versare del liquido giallo in bicchieri e somministrare lo stesso agli altri componenti della setta branduardiana. Sembra che sia del fantomatico limoncello, ma gli esperti non nascondono le loro perplessitā visto che il liquido potrebbe nascondere poteri occulti..."




                   Stephy - Photo by Michelangelo               Photo by Gaia

"...The halloween party after the concert....... with the witches, the sexy Petra, the limoncello, the wine and other drinks that Petra and Thomas had brought (thank you!!!!!), the torta sbrisolona (that nearly broke my teeth) the guitars of Claude, Norbert, playing very very quietly  and our singing very very softly not to disturb the guests....... and a lot of opportunity to talk to everybody..."


        Petra - Photo by Patrice            Gaia.jpg - Photo by Patrice                 Anette. - Photo by Patrice


party 3 witches                Patrice, Stefy


              Stephy and Gaia - Photo by Patrice             Anette, Antonella - Photo by Patrice


     Miky, Antonella, Sandro, Pierre                Daniela, Norbert - Photo by Michelangelo           

"...The Branduardi-ans(walking 2 meters above the ground)returned to the hotel,where Patrice and Anette dressed as witches and Steph and Gaia wore witch's hats(but Gaia of course only managed to look like a pretty elf),Petra dressed as a witch but looked like a gorgeous vamp,and Daniela--well Daniela is so beautiful she*always*looks like a Morticia Addams sort of witch;Claude,Norbert,Miky(and Ric--or was that an illusion??)played guitar and sang to the light of Halloween candles,everyone drank limoncello and PetraThomasWeddingWine,and ate(and crumbled)delicious sbrisolona(a sort of huge cookie)till the wee small hours. "


          Miky - Photo by Annette                      Miky - Photo by Annette   

                             Claude.- Photo by Patrice                                  Norbert - Photo by Patrice

                 Claude & Norbert - Photo by Michelangelo       Claude, Miky - photo by Monika


            Miky, Ric, Pat, Sandro, Claude - Photo by Patrice      Thomas, Gaia, Daniela, Annette. - Photo by Michelangelo

                      Daniela, Miky, Ric, Antonella - Photo by Gaia                     Pierre, Daniela and the sbrisolona - Photo by Miky

               Pinocchio ?             Oppss... - Photo by Annette

         Pat, Patrice, Ric                      Pat, Sandro, Claude. - Photo by Patrice







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