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Greetings from Olanda Lontana
Di webmaster (del 23/12/2007 @ 16:04:12, in ENGLISH, linkato 1280 volte)
Ciao Angelo,
every year I send you my greetings for the festive season. And as always I never know if you will read my wishes, but it is just something I want to do, because you are always a part of my life.
I think you will be very happy after your promotional tour in Germany and the Zecchino d'Oro to spend a tranquil and peaceful Christmas with your family.
My best wishes are for a happy Christmas together with Luisa and your daughters.
I hope to be able to catch one of your concerts in Germany and I am still hoping you will come to Olanda Lontana.
I wish you inspiration, patience, energy and a lot of happiness in 2008 and may music always be a part of you.
A hug and a Dutch kiss
Patrice (Olanda Lontana)